Искусство Индии
Искусство Индии. Альбом. Сост. и авт. вступит, статьи С. Тюляев. М., 1958; Миниатюры рукописи Бабур-намэ. Вступит, статья С. Тюляева. М., I960; Памятники искусства Индии в собраниях музеев СССР. Альбом. Сост. и авт. вступит, статьи С. И. Тюляев. М., 1955; Тюляев С. И. Архитектура Индии. М., 1939; Archer W. G. Indian miniatures. Album, 100 plates. London, 1960; Archer W. G. Indian painting. New York, 1957; The Art of India and Pakistan. Exhibition. London, 1947—1948. Red.: L. Ashton. London, 1950; Barr ett D. Painting of the Deccan XVI—XVII century. London, 1958; Beatty A. Ch. The library of A. Chester Beatty, a catalogue of the Indian miniatures. V. 1—3. London, 1936; Bharatha. Indian art. A short introduction. Bombay, 1958; Brown P. Indian architecture. V. I. Buddhist and Hindu periods. 3 ed. Bombay, 1956; Brown P. Indian architecture (the Islamic period). Bombay, 1943; Coomaraswamy A. K. A history of Indian and Indonesian art. London—New York, 1927; Coomaraswamy A. K. Introduction to Indian art. Adyar, 1956; Fischer K. Schopfungen indischer Kunst. Bauten und Bilder von der frilhesten Statten bis zum mittelalterlichen Tempel. Album. Koln, 1960; Frederic L. Indian temples and sculpture. Album. 424 plates. London, 1960; Have11 Е. В. A handbook of Indian art. London, 1920; Ha veil E. B. Indian architecture, its psychology, structure, and history from the first Miihammadan invasion to the present day. London, 1913; Indian temple sculpture. With an introd. by J. Nehru. Ed.: A. Goswami. Calcutta, 1958; Indian terracotta art. Album. Text by O. C. Gangoly. London, 1960; Khandabavaba K. Pahari miniature painting. Bombay, 1959; Kramrisch St. The art of India; traditions of Indian sculpture, painting and architecture. New York, 1954; Kramrisch St. The Hindu temple. V. 1—2. Calcutta, 1946; Kilhnel E. Moghul Malerei. Mit 20 Miniaturen. Berlin, 1955; La Roche E. Indische Bau-kunst. Bd. 1—6. Munchen, 1921—1922; Lubor H. Indian miniatures of the Moghul school. London, 1960; Madanjeet. Indian sculpture in Bronze and Stone. Calcutta, 1960; Rowland B. The art and architecture of India: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain. 2 ed. Baltimore, 1956; Smith V. A. A history of fine art in India and Ceylon, from the earliest times to the present day. 2 ed. Oxford, 1930; Stchoukine I. La peinture indienne a 1'epoque des grands moghols. Paris, 1929; Terry J. The charm of Indo-Islamic architecture; an introduction to the northern phase. London, 1955; Zimmer H. R. The art of Indian Asia, its mythology and transformations. V. 1—2. New York, 1955.