Искусство Древней Индии
Маккей Э. Древнейшая культура долины Инда. Пер. с англ. М., 1951; Тюляев С. И. Архитектура Индии. М., 1939; Brown P. Indian architecture. V. I. Buddhist and Hindu periods. Bombay, 1956; С apple ri M. India prehisto-rica. Florence, 1960; Ceylon. Peintures de sanctuaires. New York, 1937 (UNESCO); С о o-maroswamy A. K. History of Indian and Indonesian art. New York, 1927; Coomaras-wamy A. K. Introduction to the Indian art. Adyar, 1936; Goetz H. India. Five thousand years of Indian art. London, 1959; Inde. Peintures des grottes d'Ajanta. Introd. Madanjeet Singh. New York, 1954. (UNESCO); К r a m r i s с h S. The art of India. Traditions of Indian sculpture, painting and architecture. 2 ed. London, 1935; R a u H. Die Kunst Indiens bis zum Islam. Stuttgart, 1958; Rowland B. The art and architecture of India. Buddhist. Hindu. Jain. London, 1953; Smith V. A. A history of fine art in India and Ceylon. 2 ed. Oxford, 1930; Yazdani G. Ajanta. The colour and monochrome reproductions of ihe Adjanta frescoes based on photography. V. 1—4. Oxford, 1930—1953; Zimmer H. The art of Indian Asia. Its mythology and transformations. V. 1—2. New York, 1955.